“A true gem in terms of exposing the demagoguery and sheer ignorance of politicians and intellectuals in their claims about wealth and poverty… Dr. Sowell's new book tosses a monkey wrench into most of the things said about income by politicians, intellectuals and assorted hustlers, plus it's a fun read.”



“It’s a scandal that economist Thomas Sowell has not been awarded the Nobel Prize. No one alive has turned out so many insightful, richly researched books. His latest is another triumph of crackling observations that underscore the ignorance of our economists and policymakers. His take on how culture, geography, politics and social factors affect how societies progress–or don’t–will rile those addicted to political correctness but leave everyone else wiser.”

Steve Forbes

“[Wealth, Poverty and Politics should be one of the most influential works of the 2016 election season. This isn’t just a work of characteristic brilliance from Sowell – it’s a laser-guided intellectual weapon aimed at the foundations of liberal envy politics… Dr. Sowell’s book is a masterful fusion of science and common sense on the subject of why some groups are impoverished, and what society can do to lift them out of poverty… Every presidential candidate should read this book immediately, and require all campaign surrogates to digest it as well…Wealth, Poverty, and Politics provides the sharp intellectual weapons necessary to cut through that argument, and its wisdom can help conservatives design policies that might actually make a difference.”


“In his latest tome, [Sowell] draws from this well of research to do what he has done so well for so long: question basic assumptions behind public policy and follow the facts where they lead him.”

Wall Street Journal

“A calmly phrased but damning indictment of perhaps the world’s most rhetorical blunt political instrument: class hatred.”

Washington Times


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